
Friday, June 9, 2017

Quick Peppermint Ice Cream

Need something cool to eat or a treat for the Christmas holidays? Try some peppermint ice cream! You can even make this into a pie! This recipe (adapted from Martha Stewart’s Living) is scrumptious fun for kids and adults. From

Quick Peppermint Ice Cream


1 pint Haagen-Dazs vanilla ice cream (or any vanilla ice cream without problem ingredients)
2/3 cup of crushed peppermint candies or candy canes (without problem ingredients)
1/4 teaspoon peppermint extract (without problem ingredients)


Crush peppermint candies by placing between clean kitchen towels (or paper towels) and hitting with a meat hammer, or other heavy object. (About 7 or 8 6-inch candy canes will make 2/3 cup crushed). Sprinkle the extract over the crushed candy. With a large spoon, quickly stir the crushed candy into the ice cream. Ice cream will begin to soften and turn pink, so work quickly. No need to have it completely blended. Return to freezer for an hour or two to re-set and let flavors blend. Serve in fancy bowls, placing an oatmeal or decorated sugar cookie in the ice cream.

The key to IC-safeness with this is to use ice cream you know your bladder tolerates, and peppermint candies and extract that contain no artificial sweeteners or stabilizers.

*Pie variation: Have a chilled, baked 8-inch pie crust (without problem ingredients) ready. Fill with peppermint ice cream (you’ll need a quart). Return to freezer to harden for 3 or 4 hours. You can top it with decorated cookies, carob chips, or cake decors. Or just before serving, place a dollop of whipped cream on each slice.

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